Lewis Hamilton hails United States Grand Prix as ’best of the year’

Hamilton has now won the last two races on American soil!


19 November 2012 - 07:15
Lewis Hamilton hails United States (…)

Lewis Hamilton believes the United States Grand Prix was one of the best of the year so far, after the 2008 World Champion thwarted the Red Bull of Sebastian Vettel and stormed to a historic race victory at the inaugural race around the Circuit of the Americas. Hamilton and Vettel were followed home by Fernando Alonso in 3rd.

After initially loosing out to Mark Webber at the start, Lewis Hamilton quickly disposed of the Australian driver and began to close the gap to race leader Sebastian Vettel. On Lap 42, the Briton eventually stormed around the outside of the reigning World Champion to take the lead, utilizing his DRS-advantage to great effect. From then on, Lewis Hamilton controlled the race at the front, denying Sebastian Vettel victory at his 100th Grand Prix.

Lewis Hamilton finally crossed the line to take a memorable victory, the 21st of career and his fourth of the current season. Sebastian Vettel was just under a second behind the Briton at the checkered flag, as he once again extended his lead at the top of the Drivers’ Championship. Whilst being interviewed on the podium by American motor sport legend Mario Andretti, Lewis Hamilton explained how he thought the 56-lap race was the best of the year so far.

“First time winner, yeah, I’m so happy.” Enthused an exuberant Lewis Hamilton on the podium, “The fans have been amazing this weekend, so thank you so much. The warm welcome we’ve had has been fantastic and I think this is probably one of the best, if not the best Grand Prix we’ve had all year. Especially for me and my team, this is so special. It’s been a long, long time since I had a win and I’m just so proud, so proud of the work the guys did, so grateful for the support we’ve had.”

Lewis Hamilton’s sensational overtaking maneuver on Sebastian Vettel was greatly assisted not only by DRS, but also by several back-markers who enabled the Briton to close right up on to the German. This enraged Sebastian Vettel, who was heard venting his anger over the team radio after Hamilton had stormed past him. However, Hamilton was overjoyed that the traffic went in his favor for once, as the Briton has been dealt with bad luck thanks to lapped traffic in the past.

“It’s been a great weekend, to be able to beat Red Bull and Sebastian is definitely a tough challenge but we managed to do it today.” Explained Lewis Hamilton, “Traffic usually catches me out, so I was glad that it worked slightly in my favor at some points. But yeah, what a great feeling to win the first Grand Prix here, back in the States, I won the last one here as well, so I’m massively proud.”

Despite Lewis Hamilton taking a superlative victory at Austin, the British star fought long and hard to close the gap to Sebastian Vettel and eventually overtake him for the lead. The RB8, designed by the masterful mind of Adrian Newey, was notoriously quick during qualifying. This enabled Sebastian Vettel to set several fearsomely competitive laps throughout the weekend, however Lewis Hamilton explained after the race that Vettel was able to open up a considerable gap through Turn 9 in particular on each lap.

“It was everywhere, they’re pretty strong everywhere.” Said Lewis Hamilton, when asked where Red Bull were quickest around the Circuit of the Americas. “I think it was more so... the first sector is very difficult to follow through [Turns] Four, Five, Six, Seven, such high speed it’s quite difficult to follow through there. The place where he really extended his gap was the exit of Nine. That was really where, in the most important part, where he made over a second gap, so I was struggling to really get... to remain close.”

Lewis Hamilton now heads to Brazil with an aim of simply enjoying his final race with McLaren, before the Briton leaves the Woking-based outfit for Mercedes next season. Hamilton wanted to win one more race for McLaren, and will unquestionably be aiming to secure another at the grand finale around Sao Paulo’s Interlagos circuit. Lewis Hamilton has never won a race in Brazil, and could well once again gatecrash Red Bull’s title challenge next weekend.

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