Lauda denies predicting Ferrari ’pasting’

"I’ve never said that stuff"


1 September 2010 - 10:20
Lauda denies predicting Ferrari (…)

Niki Lauda has denied making scathing comments about Ferrari’s likely punishment at the forthcoming World Motor Sport Council disciplinary hearing.

The Italian team angrily bit back at the triple world champion’s apparent prediction that it will "get a pasting" by the FIA for implementing illegal team orders at Hockenheim.

Ferrari’s website columnist had responded by suggesting the Maranello based team’s famous former driver had missed "a fine opportunity to keep his mouth shut".

Interestingly, 61-year-old Lauda insists that he actually did keep his mouth shut, therefore insinuating that F1’s official website manufactured the interview.

"I’ve never said that stuff," he is quoted by the Telegraph as having told the Italian press.

"On television I only said that team orders are not good for F1 and for the spectacle, and that a team like Red Bull, by leaving Webber and Vettel free to fight, is doing the right thing.

"Please write that I didn’t do any interview," he reportedly said in the Italian report.

Ferrari confirmed that Lauda’s denial was made to the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

"I am very pleased Niki has denied making these statements: it shows that fresh air is really good for you!" said the team’s website columnist, who is known as the Horse Whisperer.


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