Heat, humidity and rain forecast for Singapore

The street circuit "dries incredibly slowly"


20 September 2011 - 10:40
Heat, humidity and rain forecast for (…)

The F1 world is expecting a warm, humid and possibly stormy and wet grand prix under lights in Singapore this weekend.

It has already been raining heavily this week in the Asian city-state, and more of the same is forecast for the weekend, set to be the fourth floodlit Singapore street race.

In previous years, drivers have expressed concerns about the effect rain would have on visibility around the tight layout, with the bright lights potentially reflecting off the raindrops and puddles.

Moreover, the skies amid the Singapore skyline are already hazy at present, due to forest fires burning in Indonesia.

And the street circuit "dries incredibly slowly" due to the high humidity, observed Mark Webber after some Singapore rain last year.

"It’s something I haven’t seen in my entire career," said the Australian.

Triple world champion Sir Jackie Stewart also commented on the challenge of Singapore rain.

"In daylight, we can see beyond the track if we’re heading into rain. But here, the light is contained on the circuit and everything else is dark," he said.


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