HRT car ’dangerous’ in Australia - de la Rosa

"It’s essential to fix power steering"


23 March 2012 - 09:15
HRT car 'dangerous' in (…)

HRT was not ready to race last weekend in Australia, Pedro de la Rosa has admitted.

Ultimately, the Spaniard and his teammate Narain Karthikeyan failed to satisfy the sport’s 107 per cent qualifying rule, and therefore sat out the 2012 opener.

The hurriedly-compiled F112 car did not feature a functioning ’DRS’ rear wing system, and de la Rosa has also revealed that it didn’t have power steering.

"It’s essential to fix that," he is quoted by Marca newspaper, "as it can be very dangerous to try to make corrections without the (steering) assistance."

Team boss Luis Perez Sala admitted that fixing power steering at a circuit is not ideal.

"Really it should be at the factory in almost laboratory conditions," he said, "but we have no choice."

As for whether he will qualify this time in Malaysia, de la Rosa is not sure: "I think so, I hope so," he said.


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