Football’s Klinsmann more impressed with F1 fitness

"Football can learn something from their intense discipline"


19 September 2011 - 11:18
Football's Klinsmann more (…)

A prominent figure in international football has revealed he is more impressed with the fitness of formula one drivers.

Jurgen Klinsmann, formerly the German national coach and a player on the World Cup-winning team of 1990, is currently in charge of the American team.

But he admitted to Germany’s Bild newspaper that he is more impressed by F1 drivers like world champion Sebastian Vettel.

"It’s phenomenal when you look into the work of a formula one driver," said Klinsmann. "The training regime compared to football does not compare.

"Football can learn something from their (F1 drivers’) intense discipline, incredible focus and concentration on the essentials."

The report said a top driver like Vettel spends up to 35 hours per week in training, compared with about ten hours per week for professional footballers.


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