Ferrari working on Lotus-style braking system

"There will definitely be some innovations and good technical ideas"


13 January 2012 - 06:38
Ferrari working on Lotus-style (…)

Ferrari has emerged as the first team ready to copy Lotus’ reportedly innovative braking ride height system.

The BBC claims Italian giant Ferrari "are working on a similar system", which apparently has already been declared legal by F1’s governing body.

The BBC report said it believes the Lotus system, designed to improve handling stability, is operated by an hydraulic cylinder that adjusts the front suspension under braking to affect the car’s ride height.

"BBC Sport understands Ferrari are the only other team to have contacted the FIA on this issue and that they have plans for a similar system," wrote journalist Andrew Benson.

Speaking at Ferrari’s pre-season winter media event on Thursday, Fernando Alonso played down the possibility that the system could make or break a team’s 2012 season.

"I don’t think there will be a big difference compared to the other cars, because the regulations are very clear, but there will definitely be some innovations and good technical ideas," he said.


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