Fernando Alonso: This weekend is like a victory for us

Ferrari’s cunning use of team tactics worked in their favor


19 November 2012 - 07:14
Fernando Alonso: This weekend is (…)

Fernando Alonso has explained how the United States Grand Prix felt like a victory for Ferrari, after the Scuderia progressed from a disastrous qualifying performance to eventually finish 3rd and 4th. Fernando Alonso’s 3rd place mean’s the Spaniard still has a mathematical chance of clinching the Championship at the season finale at Sao Paulo.

After Ferrari suffered a woefully uncompetitive qualifying performance, which saw Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso initially qualify a disastrous 7th and 9th respectively, Alonso’s chances of forcing the Championship down to the wire at Brazil looked bleak. The Scuderia were dealt another blow once qualifying had come to a conclusion, as Romain Grosjean was issued with a five-place grid penalty, therefore moving Massa and Alonso to the dirty side of the grid.

With the Circuit of the Americas yielding practically no grip off the racing line, where the drivers starting from an even-numbered grid slot would start the race, Ferrari were worried their race could be compromised should they start from their grid slots. To counter this misfortune, Ferrari decided to opt for a highly controversial, yet cunning, plan in breaking the official FIA seal on Felipe Massa’s gearbox. In accordance of Article 28.6 e) of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations, the Brazilian driver received a five-place grid drop.

This therefore promoted Fernando Alonso to 7th on the grid, which would therefore see the Spaniard start from the clean side of the grid. Felipe Massa would also benefit from this decision, as he too would start from the clean side of the grid albeit down in 11th position. As the race progressed, Ferrari’s cunning use of team tactics saw the duo rise steadily through the order, eventually finishing a competitive 3rd and 4th behind Sebastian Vettel and race winner Lewis Hamilton.

“Today [it was] not possible to keep the pace with these two guys [Hamilton and Vettel], that they were too far ahead but enough to keep for the guys behind.” Explained Fernando Alonso, “And then I think this podium, after all the difficulties we went through this weekend is like a victory for us. Losing three points maybe was in no-one’s thoughts I think yesterday night or Friday night after seeing the practice, so we are really happy again to have a very good Sunday and score again good points.”

Despite the gap between Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel once again being extended, the Spaniard still remains confident he can thwart the reigning World Champion once track action begins around the legendary Interlagos circuit. Fernando Alonso clinched his first ever Drivers’ Championship in Brazil back in 2005 for Renault, and will be striving to repeat history next weekend to clinch what would be his third Drivers’ Championship.

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