FP1 & FP2 - British GP report: Toro Rosso Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

4 July 2014 - 18:13
FP1 & FP2 - British GP report: (…)

Jean-Eric Vergne

“Besides the incident towards the end of FP2, it was a good day. The performance on the short run is not where we want to be, but the long runs seem pretty good. If we can find out how we can go a little bit quicker on the short runs I think the rest of the weekend looks encouraging. It is not like last weekend in Austria where we looked very strong already on the Friday. So we have some work to do to find out how to go quicker. Hopefully tomorrow will go better than today.”

Daniil Kvyat

"It was a normal Friday where we tried to work through our programme. Conditions out there were quite tricky. It was windy and the track slippery. Regarding the balance of the car, I wasn’t completely satisfied today, so as usual, we will look at all the data tonight and find a way to improve for tomorrow.”

James Key (Technical Director)

“In general the day went ok even though we had a problem on Jean-Eric’s car, which we are looking into now. We lost a bit of balance as the track temperature increased, so we were slightly less competitive in FP2. Having said this the race pace seemed encouraging, so far so good. But as always, with all the variables, it is very tight. For tomorrow’s Qualifying we will target the top ten of course, which is where we hope to be at most events, even though this track does not suit our car as much as the Austrian track did. But we are still hopeful we can get to the top ten.”

Ricardo Penteado (Renault Sport F1 track support leader)

“Silverstone is a tough track for the Power Unit due to the long periods of wide open throttle so today was an opportunity to put everything through its paces. Both the ICE and software are performing well and we conducted some tests to push the energy management system to its limit. We have a lot of work to prepare the car for tomorrow but we are confident we can put both drivers into the top 10 based on the performance we have shown today.”


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