Caterham behind in engine, gearbox bills - report

According to Auto Motor und Sport


14 May 2014 - 16:31
Caterham behind in engine, gearbox (…)

Is the F1 backmarker Caterham for sale?

That was the question being asked on Wednesday by Germany’s Auto Motor und Sport, recalling paddock rumours from the Spanish grand prix venue in Barcelona.

When Renault revealed that its turbo V6 engine bills had gone unpaid, many eyes turned to Lotus, who last year struggled to pay drivers and suppliers.

An initial media statement from the Enstone based team sounded equivocal, but team owner Gerard Lopez now insists: "We have paid all our engine bills."

German correspondent Michael Schmidt said the suspicion has now fallen on Caterham, who according to rumours may be losing the support of its founder Tony Fernandes.

"Apparently, the green team is also behind in its gearbox payments to Red Bull," Schmidt added.


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