Brawn too busy to win 2010 title - Schumacher

Brawn was busy securing the future of the team


26 August 2010 - 10:19
Brawn too busy to win 2010 title - (…)

Brawn’s fight for survival affected the design process of the 2010 Mercedes car, according to Michael Schumacher.

Despite aiming for the world championship with the W01, Mercedes GP is a distant fourth in the constructors’ standings, a year after the same Brackley based team won the 2009 titles before being sold to the German marque.

"Ross (Brawn) was busy last year with quite a few other things, like securing the future of the team. So he could not fully concentrate on the development of the (2010) car," Schumacher is quoted by Germany’s Auto Motor und Sport.

"I can live with the situation even if I am not happy about it," added the seven time world champion. "We have to recognise the reasons."


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