Austin venue to be finished in August

The workers are working six days a week"


20 January 2012 - 07:36
Austin venue to be finished in August

The scene of November’s inaugural formula one race in Austin, Texas, should be ready for the US grand prix well ahead of time, according to media reports.

The Italiaracing website claims that, in the wake of recent speculation the event might collapse altogether, the Circuit of the Americas is now on track to be completed by August.

"The workers are working six days a week to complete the paddock buildings and grandstands," read the report.

The Austin American Statesman newspaper says the actual track surface will be laid much closer to the race date.

That report said "tonnes of equipment and hundreds of workers" have been pouring into the site since organisers finally paid the race fee to F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone following a disagreement.

Insiders have said time is now preciously short to finish the track before its scheduled 18 November race date.

Backer Bobby Epstein said last week: "Our construction group said they can get it done."

The Statesman said the main grandstand is about the size of "a good-size high school football stadium", with the rest of the spectators to sit on "temporary scaffolding".


Formula 1 news

