Amid Mercedes rumours, di Resta eyes ’great car’

"It’s no secret that I want to be a race winner and world champion"


23 May 2012 - 14:39
Amid Mercedes rumours, di Resta eyes (…)

Paul di Resta has hinted he would leap at the chance to replace Michael Schumacher at Mercedes.

The German marque’s Brackley based chief executive Nick Fry this week earmarked impressive Force India driver di Resta, earlier a Mercedes protege, as an ideal successor should Schumacher not stay beyond his 2012 contract.

Asked about Fry’s comments and the media speculation on Wednesday, di Resta said in Monaco: "It’s always nice to have the press interest and people looking out for you, but I need to stay focused on doing the best job I possibly can."

He told Sky Sports News: "It’s no secret that I want to be a race winner and world champion — and to do that, I need to be in a great car."


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