Alonso will challenge Vettel’s title in 2011 - Fittipaldi

"Ferrari will be improving their car for 2011 to make up the little missing piece from this season"


17 November 2010 - 08:40
Alonso will challenge Vettel's (…)

It will be "difficult" for Sebastian Vettel to defend his title in 2011 because Fernando Alonso is F1’s best driver.

That is the view of 63-year-old Brazilian Emerson Fittipaldi, who like Spaniard Alonso is a double world champion.

When asked by Germany’s Die Welt newspaper if German youngster Vettel will win again in 2011, he answered: "It is possible, but it will certainly be very difficult.

"Ferrari will be improving their car for 2011 to make up the little missing piece from this season.

"And Fernando Alonso is currently the most complete driver," insisted Fittipaldi.

"He has so much experience and as much ambition, and he doesn’t like to lose," he said.

Fittipaldi also thinks Michael Schumacher will be back to full strength in 2011.

"Before the race in Sao Paulo I had breakfast with (Mercedes bosses) Ross Brawn and Norbert Haug and they assured me that the next car will better meet Michael’s style."

"I believe in Michael Schumacher," he admitted.

"I remember having a talk with Ayrton Senna when Michael was at Benetton. Ayrton found it extremely hard to race against him. That, you do not lose. I won my last major race when I was 49."


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