2012 Toro Rosso car ready for Jerez opener

"(Now) we can start work on making it quick and reliable"


20 January 2012 - 07:57
2012 Toro Rosso car ready for Jerez (…)

Toro Rosso has announced that its 2012 car will be ready to run on the opening day of official testing at Jerez next month.

Red Bull’s Italian-based rookie team said the Ferrari-powered TR7 passed the last of the FIA’s mandatory crash tests on Thursday.

According to new rules this year, the car is therefore now fit to test at Jerez from 7 February.

"(Now) we can start work on making it quick and reliable," said Toro Rosso in a statement.

Reports indicate that Australian Daniel Ricciardo - the slightly more experienced of the team’s lineup also featuring rookie Jean-Eric Vergne - will be driving the TR7 on the opening day.

Frenchman Vergne is expected to drive on the last two days of the four-day test.


Formula 1 news

