WTCC cars and parts delivered at Curitiba

Despite the weather conditions


16 March 2011 - 16:33
WTCC cars and parts delivered at (…)

The containers with WTCC cars and parts were delivered this morning at the Curitiba track despite the damage caused by the weather in the state of Paraná. Torrential rain flooded the Eastern region and the route BR-277 that links Curitiba to Paranaguá was interrupted in several points by landslides and collapsed bridges.

This meant that the convoy of trucks bound for Paranaguá harbour to collect the containers was stuck in a huge 20-km traffic jam.

“In order to speed up the operations we rented other trucks in Paranaguá. It took nearly 24 hours to them to get to Curitiba, but finally everything is here and the teams can start working. I wish to thank the Government of Paraná, DHL and Ralf Weischedel for their invaluable collaboration in solving the matter,” said WTCC event manager Maurizio Bartolomei.



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