Ocean Racing Technology drivers uninjured after heavy crashes

Both Nigel Melker and Robert Cregan are lucky after two huge incidents on Saturday


2 September 2012 - 08:18
Ocean Racing Technology drivers (…)

Ocean Racing Technology have confirmed that their GP2 and GP3 drivers, Nigel Melker and Robert Cregan, were uninjured after their heavy incidents in Saturday’s two separate races. The two drivers both crashed at high speeds, bringing out the red flag on both occasions.

The first incident of the day occurred during the GP2 feature race, and came on only the second lap after Nigel Melker lost his car through the daunting Eau Rouge complex. As the Dutchman fought to regain control of his car, he slammed into the tyre barriers, writing off his chassis and obliterating the barriers in the process. This immediately brought out the safety car, and eventually the red flag as the marshals set to fixing the tyre barriers after Melker was airlifted to a hospital in Liege.

"The initial checks on Nigel went quite well.” Explained the team’s Chief Engineer, Nigel Clyde, after the incident. “Hopefully they might even release him from hospital tonight, but we don’t know for sure whether they will keep him in overnight. We are waiting on the results of tests. He was heavily bruised in the crash, but he may even be in a position to race tomorrow. The chassis is heavily damaged. The engine is damaged and so is the gearbox. So it will be a whole new car!"

After a lengthy delay, the GP2 race was finally continued and was eventually won by Marcus Ericsson. The second huge incident of the day came only five laps into the GP3 race, as Robert Cregan slammed violently into the tyre barriers backwards at turn 10. This incident once again immediately brought out the safety car, with race stopping several laps later and subsequently failing to restart.

During the high speed incident, one of the rear tyres was able to find its way into the cockpit area of Cregan’s car. The Irishman was left trapped in his GP3 machine, after the conveyor-belt system which lines the tyre barriers made it virtually impossible for him to exit the car. Eventually, a forklift was required to allow the marshals and medical services to get to Cregan and safely extract him from the stricken car.

"Robert is OK. He was taken to Liege Hospital for final checks, but he feels fine in himself.” Said the team’s GP3 boss, Bruno Corbe after the race. “He has some pain in his right leg and a little bit in his neck, but I am not a doctor so I can’t tell you for sure. The chassis, engine and gearbox are all heavily damaged. We haven’t given up yet but we are 90 per cent sure he won’t race tomorrow, even if the hospital allows him to. We are not sure if we can get all the parts we need yet either."

The second GP2 and GP3 races are scheduled to run Sunday morning prior to the main Formula 1 event, and will most likely not feature either Nigel Melker or Robert Cregan. However, it’s a testament to the safety of modern motor sport cars that both drivers weren’t seriously injured, or worse, in two high speed and horrific incidents.

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