Magalhães plans title push on Gran Canaria

"I need to try to do better and push harder"

By Franck Drui

26 April 2010 - 10:57
Magalhães plans title push on Gran (…)

Bruno Magalhães has vowed to kick-start his Intercontinental Rally Challenge title bid on Rally Islas Canarias this week.

The Peugeot Portugal driver is sixth in the drivers’ standings after three rounds but admits he has so far been unable to recapture the form that has taken him to a trio of national titles plus two IRC podium finishes in the past.

He said: “I need to try to do better and push harder and I believe this event can be good for me. None of the other IRC guys know the rally so we are all level. Also, the surface [condition] doesn’t change if you are first on the road or ninth because you don’t have the problem of stones being brought onto the road by people cutting corners.”

Magalhães, who has tried to familiarise himself with the stages by watching footage on YouTube, will link up with co-driver Carlos Magalhães. He partnered Miguel Campos to victory on the Gran Canaria-based rally in 2003.


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