Huff: It’s Macau, it’s me, I’m happy !

"I deserved to be fastest"


15 November 2012 - 09:53
Huff: It's Macau, it's me, (…)

Tiago Monteiro was very cautious in rating his fastest lap in the test session, while championship point leader Rob Huff was pleased although he was classified in third.

Monteiro said: “It was only a test, the session was disrupted and not everybody used new tyres. OK, I’m happy, but we know we have to do a lot of work. I have a lot of experience here, but this car looks different. So I need to adapt it and also myself. We did our work as planned and we keep on working for tomorrow.”

Huff commented: “It felt good. I deserved to be fastest, but I came into the pit after being one second faster at the end of the second sector. The car was good from the very beginning, but the grip on the track was unpredictable. It was easy to lock wheels at the braking and miss the apex in a few corners. It’s Macau, it’s me, I’m happy!”



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