Bahrain withdraw from 2011 GP2 Asia Series calendar

Sakhir will not host Round 2 and 3 of fourth GP2 Asia Series season

By Franck Drui

21 February 2011 - 19:49
Bahrain withdraw from 2011 GP2 Asia (…)

Following Bahrain Grand Prix organisers’ statement today that they will not host the opening round of the 2011 Formula 1 season, the GP2 Series organisers announce that Bahrain withdraws from the 2011 GP2 Asia Series calendar.

The Sakhir track was to host rounds 2 and 3 of the fourth Asia season. The second round was cancelled last week due to force majeur. The final round was scheduled to take place during the Formula One weekend in March.

GP2 Series CEO Bruno Michel said: “We are very sad to see Bahrain removed from this season’s calendar. It is always a great pleasure to go there where we have been cordially welcomed with professionalism since 2005. We are looking forward to going back there soon.”



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