Skoda vows to hit back on Rali Vinho Madeira

"We will do our best to make up for the loss"

By Franck Drui

29 July 2010 - 09:33
Skoda vows to hit back on Rali Vinho (…)

Skoda has vowed to make up for the disappointment of losing out on victory on Sata Rallye Acores earlier this month when it makes its debut on Rali Vinho Madeira from 5-7 August.

The Czech manufacturer was in contention for a one-two finish in the Azores but lost out in a dramatic finale when Juho Hanninen stopped to change a punctured tyre before Jan Kopecky crashed out of the lead on the final stage of the event.

“We had bad luck in [the Azores] and now we have to look at the future,” said Skoda Motorsport head Michal Hrabanek. “The next rally is Madeira. We will do our best to make up for [the] loss and win points in both driver and brand competitions, although we all know that it will be very difficult, especially because it’s going to be our first appearance there.”

Despite its disappointment in the Azores, Skoda still heads the IRC drivers’ and manufacturers’ standings. Its challenge in Madeira will be boosted by Belgian Freddy Loix, who will drive a Fabia Super 2000 Facelift for the privateer Rene Georges Rally Sport operation. Loix won round six of the IRC in Ypres last month and finished sixth in Madeira in 2009.


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