Bouffier aims for repeat success in Canarias

He wants to challenge for the win


13 April 2011 - 10:17
Bouffier aims for repeat success in (…)

Bryan Bouffier says he can see no reason why he can’t make it two wins from two when the Intercontinental Rally Challenge resumes on Gran Canaria later this week.

French ace Bouffier leads the IRC drivers’ standings following his victory on Rallye Monte-Carlo in January. He is now looking to extend his advantage by winning Rally Islas Canarias El Corte Inglés, which runs from 14-16 April.

“I have never competed in the Canary Islands before, but I’ve heard that the stages and grip are very consistent,” said Bouffier. “Given how nicely balanced my Peugeot 207 S2000 feels, I don’t see why we shouldn’t be able to challenge for the win.”

Bouffier and co-driver Xavier Panseri are set to tackle an expanded programme of IRC events this season with backing from Peugeot French and the French Peugeot dealer network.

“My objective [for this rally] is to defend my position and, if possible, take the title at the end of the year,” he said.


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