Grosjean supports TV replays of horror crash

"I haven’t seen the onboard recordings, but I want to"


5 December 2020 - 13:26
Grosjean supports TV replays of (…)

Romain Grosjean says he is "not against" Formula 1 deciding to show all the replays of his horror crash of last Sunday.

Daniel Ricciardo led the criticism of the way Formula 1 handled the broadcast of the terrifying incident, accusing the sport of using it as a "Hollywood" moment.

"I ran into Romain’s wife, Marion, and she appreciated my comments about the replays," Australian Ricciardo said in Bahrain on Friday. "I think that’s all I needed."

However, Grosjean himself is not opposed to the way F1 has released the various replay angles of the crash - and doesn’t even mind if the on-board footage is shown too.

"I haven’t seen the onboard recordings, but I want to. You can always learn something," he said in Bahrain, where he is being replaced this weekend by Pietro Fittipaldi.

"We can learn from how a driver behaves in these moments," Grosjean added.

"Of course I understand why some drivers were bothered by the replays. Kevin (Magnussen), for example, was worried that although I was on my feet, I may have had internal injuries.

"Even today, the accident looks crazy. If I had seen it on TV, I would have thought the guy was dead too. But the pictures on TV help people to understand it," he continued. "To understand what happened, and that it wasn’t just a dream.

"It’s good to see that even if someone is on fire, you can survive an accident like that."

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