FP1 & FP2 - Turkish GP 2021 - Team quotes

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

8 October 2021 - 17:12
FP1 & FP2 - Turkish GP 2021 - (…)


Pierre Gasly

“Today I haven’t felt that great in the car, but we’ve still come away with two strong positions which is positive, and I believe there is more we can give again tomorrow. I wasn’t too happy with the balance of the car, as I was experiencing a lot of understeer, so that’s something we’ve got to work on. I believe it’s something that a lot of drivers have been experiencing, so we need to go away and analyse what we can do to improve this and hopefully we can continue to improve our performance in FP3.”

Yuki Tsunoda

“I think this is a really amazing track and I’ve really enjoyed my first two sessions here at Istanbul Park. I’ve been building my confidence up gradually and this afternoon I think we’ve shown some good pace. The conditions today have been windy but fairly good, however tomorrow there may be rain, so this could prove trickier again. We’ll have to see what happens with the weather, and prepare as much as we can for that, but we’re happy with the performance of the car so far this weekend and I think we’ve shown a big improvement.”

Jonathan Eddolls (Chief Race Engineer)

“We came here with a number of unknowns surrounding how the tyres would behave, given what we all observed last year, alongside what the impact of the measures the circuit have taken to improve the grip here for this weekend would be. We planned for low-grip conditions but were pleasantly surprised when the first push lap was already faster than anything we achieved in the dry last year, so we were back to more normal conditions. This meant that the car wasn’t optimised for the track condition we had in this morning’s session, so we had to make a number of changes ahead of FP2. These were for sure in the right direction, but we still faced balance limitations and there is still plenty of room to improve the car for tomorrow. We also approached the weekend differently with Yuki and so far, this has worked – he has more confidence and has performed well. The weather could pose some further excitement tomorrow, particularly in FP3, but we are confident we can find some additional performance in the car overnight.”

Red Bull


“It’s a super nice track especially with the improved conditions but it looks like we have a lot to go through this evening because today wasn’t the best of days. We tried a few different things going from FP1 to FP2 but we’re still looking around for improvements as we don’t have a lot of data on these cars for this track. Of course, Lewis is taking a penalty on Sunday but we have to focus on ourselves, hopefully we can make improvements before qualifying tomorrow as we have some challenges, we’ll see what we can do. I’m just looking forward to the rest of the weekend and getting back out there on track.”


“It has been a positive Friday overall and with the work we will do this evening we should be looking good for qualifying. The amount of grip surprised me today; it is more like a standard track out there now, but it is still very challenging because the grip is not consistent. Sometimes on the entrance to the corner you have less grip than on the exit, so as a driver it is difficult to adjust to that aspect of this track. Mercedes look strong here but hopefully overnight we are able to chip away a couple of tenths and be in the mix for tomorrow. It is all about compromise because if you try and get the ideal balance for qualifying over one lap then you compromise the long run pace a bit, which is important here because overtaking is relatively easy. There is the potential of rain for qualifying tomorrow, but we will be well prepared, whatever the weather.”

Haas F1

Round 16 of the 2021 FIA Formula 1 World Championship began with practice on Friday at Intercity Istanbul Park as teams prepared for Sunday’s Turkish Grand Prix.

Friday’s track action consisted of two 60-minute sessions – FP1 and FP2 – on the 5.338-kilometer (3.316-mile), 14-turn circuit.

FP1 commenced with Schumacher straight out on the Pirelli P Zero Yellow medium tires while Mazepin sampled the White hard compound to start. Both drivers banked a handful of wake-up laps before their respective VF-21s were kitted out with the Pirelli Reds for some baseline running – the soft tires delivering Schumacher a best lap of 1:26.363 (P19) and Mazepin a 1:27.019 (P20). High fuel stints concluded the session with Schumacher returning to his mediums and Mazepin on the hard set.

FP2 once again saw Schumacher and Mazepin split their tire strategy to start – the German sampling the hard rubber for the first time and the Russian debuting the medium compound. With the track rubbering in lap times dropped – Schumacher placing P19 setting a best lap of 1:25.480 on softs during his qualifying sim. Mazepin finished directly behind his teammate in P20 having clocked a best lap 1:25.698 on the soft tires. Friday’s circuit activities ended with high fuel runs through to the checkered flag.

Uralkali Haas F1 Team ran a total of 104 laps on Friday across FP1 and FP2 – 51 by Schumacher and 53 by Mazepin.

Nikita Mazepin

“It was very interesting because as a rookie and going into one of the very few tracks in Europe that I haven’t driven on, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. The feedback I received from other drivers and what you can read on social media is that it was incredibly difficult to drive. Ever since I got out there for the first time, I thought the grip was improved. The layout is quite special, it’s quite flowing so you need to get a rhythm, which I enjoyed, and I think it could make for a good race weekend.”

Mick Schumacher

“The increase in grip was there and the car felt good today. I think we were a lot closer to the pack than usual which is very promising, and I think for tomorrow we have a good idea of what we want and what we need. It’s very flowy, it’s a very nice track. I got the chance to drive it in the simulator and it definitely lived up to what I drove there so I’m very happy to be racing here this week. I’m going to be doing the rain dance soon.”

Günther Steiner

“It was a productive day today in terms of both drivers getting lots of laps in at a track that’s completely new to them – I think we logged over 100 so that’s not bad for a Friday. Both sessions were drama free, which hasn’t always been the case this season, so that undoubtedly helped us just work consistently through our run plan. Obviously, it looks like the track has a little more grip this year, which is a plus, the downside being I believe we’ve got rain on the forecast for the weekend – so we’ll see how that plays out. I’d say it’s been a positive and busy day from our side.”

Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo Racing ORLEN had a productive first day of practice for the 2021 Turkish Grand Prix. Antonio Giovinazzi and Kimi Räikkönen got plenty of mileage under their belts to provide the team with all required data ahead of tomorrow’s qualifying on the Istanbul Park circuit, with the two drivers ending the day in P10 and P15 respectively.

Kimi Räikkönen

“There is obviously a lot of potential in the car and we’ll need to unlock it all tonight. In the first practice sessions, we still lacked a bit of balance so there is work to do but we’re confident we can turn it around overnight. There is a lot more grip than we expected so we will adapt to those conditions and see where we end up in qualifying.”

Antonio Giovinazzi

“I was very happy to find a lot more grip in the track, right from the first lap of FP1. It really feels like a completely different circuit and it’s been good fun, especially as we had good balance in the car – so, overall, a good Friday of work. Finding the right feel for the car is easier when there is grip, we could lap confidently and the first indications for tomorrow are promising. We need to see what the weather will do tomorrow: we looked good in the dry but we’ll take whatever the conditions will be.”

Alpine F1

Alpine F1 Team finished with both cars inside the top ten in both Friday practice sessions at Istanbul Park, as preparations got underway for the ninth edition of the Turkish Grand Prix.

Fernando Alonso – returning to Istanbul Park for the first time in ten years was seventh – with Esteban Ocon finishing his Friday 0.012secs behind his teammate in eighth.

Drivers ventured into the relatively unknown in Free Practice 1, with question marks on the track condition of the 5.338km circuit. Those concerns were eased in the early running with the track clearly in much improved condition than last season. Fernando began his day on Mediums (C3) and an aero rake fitted to his car with Esteban on Hards (C2). Esteban finished the morning in sixth as the only driver to complete his fastest lap time on the Hard compound with Fernando in ninth.

In Free Practice 2, both drivers aimed to continue from their positive start to the weekend by assessing the Softs (C3) in qualifying trim. Fernando’s 1min 24.660secs slotted him into seventh. Esteban built up his run plan and found improvements throughout the session, ending the day narrowly behind Fernando in eighth.

After the chequered flag during practice race starts, Esteban suffered a small issue on his A521 where he was unable to select first gear on the grid. The team is investigating the cause.

Esteban Ocon

“It’s been a solid Friday for us today and probably one of the most interesting Fridays we’ve had this year. We arrived here not knowing what the conditions were going to be like and it turned out it was much improved in comparison to last year with very high grip; probably one of the highest levels of grip we’ve experienced this season. It’s great to take on this track in these conditions and experience the layout. We had very good performance in FP1, inside the top five throughout, and then again in FP2 we were well inside the top ten. We’ve learnt a lot today that we can put into action tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do.”

Fernando Alonso

“Today was like discovering a new track for the very first time. I think it was the same for everybody after the issues with track grip from last year. It seems the grip is back to normal, which is good news and it means we can have confidence in the car during a lap. We didn’t really change much on the car in both sessions, so we were mostly experimenting the tyres today. Again, the weather is the biggest unknown heading into tomorrow, but I think we should be ready for any forecast.”

Davide Brivio, Racing Director

“It was a productive day today. The circuit has improved significantly since last year with high grip right from the start of FP1, which allowed the drivers to get quickly up to speed. Both Esteban and Fernando were on the pace straight away with some positive feedback on how the car felt on track in the early running. We tried some different set-ups and ideas to find further pace in FP2 and we have a good idea on where we can keep improving ahead of tomorrow. We will keep working and see what the weather is doing tomorrow as there is a chance of rain. It was important to have a good practice day and we’re now looking forward to taking on the rest of the weekend.”

Aston Martin F1

Lance Stroll

“Today was about discovering a circuit that has recently had work done to improve the grip compared to last year, not to mention the tricky wind conditions for everyone out there. On our side, there are positives to take from today, but we know we need to find more pace in the car for the rest of the weekend. I am confident we can do so and we are targeting improvements in the balance of the car too. The main thing is that we know what we need to do. We will go away tonight and work hard to move forward.”

Sebastian Vettel

“Overall, I think we had a decent start to the weekend. We found a baseline in FP1 and, in the afternoon, we were exploring the limits and trying different things. I think there is more that we can learn in FP3 tomorrow ahead of qualifying, which is positive. After the recent work here, it still feels very much like the same circuit but with different grip conditions, so the targets have not changed much. For example, we know it is very important to have a strong front end, or it can be quite costly across a lap. Our task now is to optimise what we learned in both sessions and have a good qualifying session tomorrow.”


Lando Norris

“It felt good to be back in the car and to get things going again. It’s been a decent Friday, quite different conditions to what we had in Turkey last season. It feels like a different track altogether. I think we learned quite a bit today in preparation for tomorrow and the race. Friday was exactly what we needed, and we’ll try to do better again tomorrow.”

Daniel Ricciardo

“Firstly, it was fun, in terms of the track and the level of grip. It was so different to last year and definitely more enjoyable. I’ll be very surprised if a driver says otherwise! It’s pretty high speed and sections of it are pretty relentless, which just makes it a good track to drive around. I think the time doesn’t really represent the feeling in the car today. I feel a lot better than where we are on the timesheets, so we’re not concerned about that. We’ve still a bit of work to do on setup, but nothing too crazy. We’ll push on tonight, do some productive work and come out swinging tomorrow.”

Andrea Stella - Executive Director, Racing

“The circuit we’ve used today is very different to the one we had last year, with asphalt much closer to ‘normal’ in terms of grip. Our main objective today was understanding tyre behaviour in preparation for qualifying and the race. We had two good sessions, didn’t face any major problems and have gathered a lot of data. We’re in a pretty good place in terms of being prepared for the race, but of course before that we have qualifying, and the forecast shows there’s some inclement weather around. It looks like it’s going to be an interesting Saturday.”


Scuderia Ferrari produced a solid performance this Friday of the Turkish Grand Prix. During the 120 minutes of free practice at Istanbul Park, both drivers got through their planned programmes without experiencing any problems. As was the case a fortnight ago in Russia, Charles and Carlos each had very different job sheets. In a reversal of the Russian weekend, it was Leclerc who worked in both qualifying and race trim, while Sainz focussed almost entirely on the Grand Prix, given that he starts from the back of the grid, after his car was fitted with a fourth power unit, featuring the new hybrid system first seen on his team-mate’s car in Sochi.

Gathering more data. Carlos thus got to grips with the new hybrid system, completing 59 laps. In the morning session, he only ran the Soft tyres, setting a best time of 1’24”860. In the afternoon, he also ran the Medium compound, before setting his fastest time on the softest tyres in 1’24”903.

Constant pace. Charles also only used the Softs in the morning, posting a time of 1’24”654, completing a total of 27 laps. In the afternoon, he started off with the Medium tyres, doing a 1’24”102, before setting the second fastest time overall, a 1’23”970 on used Softs. In the second part of the session, the Monegasque concentrated on running in race trim, lapping at a constant pace. He did a total of 56 laps.

Programme. The final hour of free practice starts tomorrow at 12 local time (11 CET) followed by qualifying at 15 (14 CET). The Turkish Grand Prix gets underway on Sunday again at 15 (14 CET).

Charles Leclerc

Compared to last year, the track has more grip. The car felt really good today, and I really enjoyed driving as I could play with the rear of the car and rotate it like that. This seems to have worked out well for now, as we were quite competitive.

Although things are looking positive so far, it’s only Friday. We need to keep our heads down and work on fine tuning the car to have a good qualifying.

Carlos Sainz

A bit of a different Friday for us obviously, knowing we will start from the back of the grid due to the penalty for changing the PU. We checked everything was running smoothly, tried different set ups and worked with the Soft and Medium tyres, focusing on the long runs. It felt quite strange to go into a Friday without attempting to go fast in the short runs, but our target this weekend is to make up places on Sunday.

The car looks competitive and the track has changed a lot since last year. There’s a lot of grip, probably one of the highest of the season so far and it’s important to understand how it affects the tyres and the car performance.

Williams F1

Dave Robson, Head of Vehicle Performance

As we had hoped, the track conditions are much better than last year, and this has allowed us to concentrate on car set-up. We got off to a good start in FP1 with both drivers happy with their cars. Tyre management at high fuel is a little tricky, especially in turn eight and we have a bit of work to do tonight to understand how best to deal with this on Sunday.

This afternoon we weren’t quite as quick as we had hoped on low fuel, but we are confident that we can improve this overnight. Our high fuel pace remained reasonable and we made some progress with the tyre management. The weather forecast remains uncertain for tomorrow and this will impact our plans. However, we are confident that we can do a decent job whatever the weather does, with both drivers showing excellent pace recently in wet and mixed conditions.

George Russell

Our high fuel pace looked pretty strong today, but our low fuel pace wasn’t quite as good. We need to go into more detail with the data tonight so we can find something for tomorrow but with rain forecast for overnight and in the morning, it may mean the track conditions will reset quite a lot ahead of qualifying. We have to take these opportunities where conditions are changing to our advantage and we’ve done that really well in the last few races. It will be a very tricky race on Sunday as no car has done more than 12 laps in a row on a single set of tyres and we’ve got to do quite a lot more than that during the Grand Prix.

Nicholas Latifi

The surface is not as I expected it to be, particularly from what I saw during the track walk at least, but in a positive way. Obviously, the grip is much higher than last year, and it actually feels much higher than most other tracks in general. Now that the grip is there, it’s a really fun circuit to drive and is very fast and flowing. It’s quite an enjoyable feeling and it’s exceeded my expectations. I’m still struggling to get the tyres in the right window, especially on the low fuel, so I think there’s more work to come there but in general the car doesn’t feel in a bad window. There’s definitely some fine tuning to do but I think we can make a good start tomorrow.

Mercedes F1

Consistent practice day for the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team in Turkey

 Lewis set the pace in both practice sessions on a much-improved track surface at Istanbul Park, enjoying the increased grip levels.
 Valtteri banked consistent running while experimenting with a range of balance configurations, with both drivers running the Medium and Soft tyre compounds.

Lewis Hamilton

The track felt so different to last year – in 2020, oil was rising from the new surface and the grip was so difficult to find. Coming into this weekend, I didn’t know what to expect when we went out there but the level of grip was intense, it was awesome. The track is so much more enjoyable to drive.

We started off with a really great setup in FP1, the first session was strong. We made some changes between the sessions and combined with track evolution, the car didn’t feel quite as good but we made some important learnings, for sure. We’re fairly close to the maximum we can extract from the package but we always find something overnight, so we’ll be working hard to take our pace into tomorrow – hopefully it isn’t raining! I have a lot of work to do on Sunday and I need to just focus on getting the best out of tomorrow, obviously aiming for pole to limit the loss of the penalty.

Valtteri Bottas

Today was a lot faster than last year! FP1 today was over 10 seconds faster than last year and it’s actually become one of the grippiest tracks we have on the calendar which makes it a lot of fun - I enjoyed it today. Last year the balance was geared towards correcting understeer with the low grip but now we can be a bit more aggressive with the car.

In FP1 we were all trying to adapt and read the balance. Our starting point was a bit off but by FP2, the car was feeling was pretty good. No big issues and no red flags so a lot of running and it feels like it could be a strong weekend for us. Looking at the timing board, it looks like a good track for Ferrari but I’m sure Red Bull have a lot more to come, as we all do. It’s going to be close.

Andrew Shovlin

We’ve had a solid day; both cars are showing good pace on single lap and long run. We had to move the setup quite a bit over the course of the day as the track had more grip than we were expecting but it looks like we have ended up in about the right place. We need to go through the data to understand where the three tyre compounds are in terms of pace and degradation; we’d expected them to suffer a bit more given the high energy corners here but they seem to be holding up surprisingly well.

It feels like other teams may have come in with the same preconceptions, as we saw a lot of soft tyres being used over the course of the day. The indications from free practice are that it’s going to be quite a challenge for Lewis to overtake on track but we’re looking at all the options available to us in strategy and on car setup to allow us to fight back on Sunday. Valtteri has had a good start to the weekend and looked to have the edge on Max today. We’ll be working hard to try and keep that edge as it’s obviously a big boost to both championships if we can get Valtteri in front on Saturday and Sunday.


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