FP1 & FP2 - Sakhir GP 2020 - Team quotes

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

4 December 2020 - 22:38
FP1 & FP2 - Sakhir GP 2020 - (…)

Alfa Romeo

They promised quick and quick was indeed delivered. The novel layout of the Bahrain International Circuit, the “Outer loop”, produced sub-minute laptimes and prompted drivers to jostle for position ahead of their flying laps – something we expect to play a major role in qualifying.

Times, however, were not at the front of anyone’s mind tonight. As always, on whatever track, Friday was about finding data and fine-tuning the set-up of the car for these most unique circumstances. Kimi and Antonio were able to run two full sessions without technical issues and the engineers are already debriefing, working hard to extract those extra last bits of performance that can make all the difference in qualifying.

Tomorrow’s session will be with us before we know it. On this Outer loop, it’s not just the laps that go quick.

Kimi Räikkönen

“I didn’t have any particular expectations about this track before the weekend, but the important thing was to have two clean sessions and do our job with the car. The track itself is relatively simple, it has just two big corners although it is quite bumpy. Our approach to the weekend didn’t change, we will prepare for tomorrow’s qualifying in the usual way: hopefully we can make another step forward tonight and be competitive in the afternoon.”

Antonio Giovinazzi

“I am pretty happy with the pace we showed today, especially in the longer runs. Tomorrow should be an interesting challenge, finding space will be important but we know everyone will also be looking for a tow. We will need to be smart and play our cards right. We know we are fighting to be in Q2 and we are confident we have a chance to be there, so let’s see what we can get tomorrow.”

Red Bull


“It was tricky out there and balance wise we haven’t quite found the optimum set-up, especially on the short runs. The long runs were definitely an improvement and looked quite good this evening but even there we can do better. The track is not the most exciting to drive and because it is such a short lap the radio is constantly open with traffic warnings about other cars. The second sector it is quite blind for a lot of corners and it isn’t going to be easy when we need to cool the tyres before doing a second push lap and I think it could actually be quite dangerous. We never know exactly where we are on a Friday but Valtteri’s lap was cancelled so it looks like we are a couple of tenths off Mercedes. We have a bit of work to do before qualifying and then we will focus on the race pace to ensure we are competitive as following closely behind other cars will be a challenge around here.”


“I’m enjoying this new track as it’s very unique and some parts are quite challenging which makes it fun to get on top of. It was interesting out there today and there will be a lot to look at tonight in terms of what went well and what didn’t. It felt as though we had more grip in the first session than compared with FP2 so we’ll also have to look at that but overall the race pace looked pretty good which is positive but it’s still early days. Finding a gap in qualifying tomorrow isn’t going to be easy and because you have to drive so slowly to cool these tyres down the closing speeds are huge, so we’ll have to be on our toes and I expect our engineers are going to be busy. As drivers we all have respect for each other in terms of getting out of the way but at the same time we all want our tyres to be in the best possible window for our own laps so I’m sure it will be a talking point in the drivers briefing later this evening.”

Renault F1

Renault DP World F1 Team completed a solid day’s running in Friday practice for this weekend’s Sakhir Grand Prix on the fast, sub-one-minute, outer Bahrain Circuit. Esteban Ocon ended the day in fourth with Daniel Ricciardo eighth on the timesheets.

There was plenty to learn in practice on the relatively unknown outer layout, which features just 10 corners with lap-times below 55-seconds. On the to do list was allowing the drivers to learn the new configuration and find the optimal balance on car set-up, which was targeted towards lower downforce.

Both sessions took place in the evening under artificial lighting with temperatures mirroring that from last weekend’s Bahrain Grand Prix at the same venue.

Free Practice 1 saw both drivers assess the Soft (C4) tyres, while in Free Practice 2 both cars began on Mediums (C3) before assessing the Softs on low fuel. The team ended the day with high fuel running on both cars with evaluations across the Softs and Mediums in race trim in preparation for Sunday’s 87-lap race.

Daniel Ricciardo

“It’s been a good Friday for us. The track is obviously very short, but I quite like it, and I’d say that the new section in the middle is my favourite bit. We’ve done quite a few laps here now so it’s nice to have something a little different. The afternoon session was strong and then we experimented a little bit in the evening. Esteban’s pace looks good as well, so I think we’ll be set for a good qualifying tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it and we have to make sure we’re on it tomorrow to underline today’s pace.”

Esteban Ocon

“It was a good day for us and probably the best Friday of the season on our side of the garage. We had good performance in FP1, and we found a bit more in FP2 where we made a step and we’re pleased with that. The long runs in FP2 were decent and I had some battles with some other cars, so that was fun. It’s promising for tomorrow when we need to put everything together and make it happen. The new track is very technical and very different to last week. We’re on lower downforce and we’re arriving quicker into the corners, but I think we’ve adapted quite quickly to it.”

Ciaron Pilbeam, Chief Race Engineer

“We’ve had a very good day. Both drivers were quite comfortable in the car right from the start of FP1. We’ve been chipping away at the car balance trying to get more performance from it but, generally, it’s been pretty good on both short and long runs. It’s a short lap and the traffic, today at least, wasn’t quite as busy as we thought it would be. Qualifying will probably be busy and crowded, especially Q1 with all the cars out there. We tried something in the afternoon on Daniel’s car, which maybe hasn’t worked out so well, but it didn’t hamper him too much and it’s an easy thing to go back on. We’ve had a solid day, we’re in good shape and we’re looking forward to tomorrow.”


Daniil Kvyat

“It was quite a standard Friday, we managed to complete all of our programme for today and worked through it pretty well. It was a new track to learn but I think we were quite OK out there. Hopefully, we will be able to understand a few more things tonight to see how we can improve tomorrow. It’s extremely tight between the teams, so it’s going to be important to get on top of everything without making any mistakes. It’s a shorter track with new corners, which is always something I enjoy learning, and a different challenge that makes it very interesting.”

Pierre Gasly

“It was a decent Friday. I think we have a pretty competitive car and we tried different setups which gave us a good idea of which direction to go for tomorrow. FP2 was a bit scrappy on my run on Options, so I think we have a bit more performance to come. However, the long runs look competitive, so it will just be a matter of fine-tuning and work on final details tonight to make sure we can start in a good position on Sunday and have a strong car for the race.”

Jonathan Eddolls (Chief Race Engineer)

“Although we’re at the same venue as last week, we’re facing different challenges this week as we’re racing on an altered layout. While the circuit is a bit less demanding on the tyres, it’s very hard on the cars, so even though effectively three of the corners are the same as last week, the aerodynamic requirement is quite different. We spent FP1 trying to understand the optimum configuration for the short run, which meant running some compares across the two cars, and at the end of the session, we started to get an initial understanding of tyre degradation. From a first look at the numbers, the degradation looked in a better position compared to last week. Moving on to FP2, we focused on setup work at the start of the session, then switched to long-runs to try and get a better understanding of tyre performance for Sunday. Things are looking positive so far; the short-run performance is good, and we managed to make some changes to the car to improve the long-run performance too, so it was a constructive day. Given that it’s a short lap, one of the key points is certainly the traffic so I expect it’s going to be a nightmare in Qualifying - we’ve already seen signs of it in practice - and Q1, in particular, is going to be a real challenge. We’ll prepare ourselves tonight to be ready for it.”

Haas F1

The 16th round of the 2020 FIA Formula 1 World Championship began with practice on Friday at Bahrain International Circuit as teams prepared for Sunday’s Sakhir Grand Prix – notable with Brazil’s Pietro Fittipaldi making his Formula 1 weekend debut with Haas F1 Team subbing for the injured Romain Grosjean.

Two 90-minute sessions – FP1 and FP2 – were run under the floodlights on the short 3.543-kilometer (2.201-mile), 11-turn ‘Outer Track’ – another first in Formula 1 as the field sampled one of the alternative layouts available at Bahrain International Circuit for the second-leg of the Bahrain double-header.

FP1 saw Fittipaldi one of the first cars on track for his installation run on the Pirelli P Zero White hard tires. He followed that up with a 17 lap wake up run on the same set. A switch onto the Red soft tires followed but lasted only a handful of laps – a lock-up and subsequent flat spot on his front-left forcing Fittipaldi’s opening session to end prematurely with no further tire sets permitted. His best time of 0:57.077, set on the soft rubber, placed him 19th overall. Magnussen ran the same tire plan, starting on the hard compound before swapping onto softs. Magnussen recorded 37 laps in the session with a fastest time of 0:56.130 on his low-fuel run placing the Dane 17th.

Fittipaldi and Magnussen ran identical plans again in FP2, staring on mediums before switching to softs – with the session concluding for both drivers with a long-run on high-fuel utilizing both compounds. Magnussen finished the session 14th overall at the checkered – his best lap a 0.55.738 clocked on the soft tire. Fittipaldi similarly delivered his fast lap on the soft rubber, the Brazilian clocking a 0.56.110 for 18th place on the timesheets.

Haas F1 Team ran a total of 166 laps on Friday across FP1 and FP2 – 86 by Magnussen and 80 by Fittipaldi.

Pietro Fittipaldi

“It’s been both fantastic and exciting today. It’s been a year since I’ve driven a Formula 1 car, eight months since I’ve driven anything on track. I took the day step-by-step, I just kept my focus and kept calm. I was really happy with the day. The team have helped me with everything, the engineers did a great job talking me through things, and the mechanics have done a great job as well. The only set-back was in FP1, we had a lock-up that damaged my tires, I couldn’t do any further running. I kept my cool and we just went into FP2 and got through our run plan. Tomorrow I’ll make another step, slowly turn up the volume, and push when it comes to qualifying then the race.”

Kevin Magnussen

“Well, it’s certainly a very short track with a lot of traffic – it’s very narrow as well, very bumpy. It’s certainly a challenge. Unfortunately, we’re not fast enough, either on the normal track or this new one. We’ve also got to work on the balance of the car, it’s not just the straights where we’re slow – we have to work on the corners. We’ve got to try and manage all that. I think Pietro (Fittipaldi) has done really well today. It’s a big ask to be thrown into a car just a couple of days before a race weekend with no testing. I think he’s gotten up to speed really well. Hopefully he’s enjoying it.”

Günther Steiner

“The combination of the two sessions were very good. In FP1 Pietro (Fittipaldi) lost a few laps – he flat-spotted the tires, so he couldn’t go out anymore. For sure though, FP2 was good because the most important thing for Pietro was getting laps in. I thought he did very well in FP2. I hope he’s not too worn out now because of the physical demands. Kevin (Magnussen) did a good job today as well, he was solid while getting used to the new track layout. Now we get ready for tomorrow.”


Dave Robson, Head of Vehicle Performance

It has been a fun evening getting to grips with the new Sakhir layout. The new corners are a bit bumpy in places, but they add to the character of the circuit and give the drivers a new challenge. The wind direction was quite different to last week and so even the corners that are shared with the traditional Grand Prix circuit were a little different today. However, both drivers settled down to the job very well and, following a tricky FP1 session, had very productive FP2 sessions.

Jack has driven very well and although he damaged his second set of tyres in FP1, he was still able to complete some useful operational practice at the end of the session. His FP2 session was very good as he completed his qualifying programme before getting stuck into the high fuel race runs. He was able to get a good idea of what will be required in the race on Sunday and his rate of learning was excellent. Nicholas meanwhile has happily and competently taken on the role of team leader and completed some very good running during the night session. He was able to consolidate his experience of the tyres from last weekend and quickly adapt it to the nuances of driving the Outer Loop at night. As always, we have a lot to get through tonight but we’re sure that we can improve the car further ready for qualifying tomorrow.

We also understand that George Russell had a good day and we wish him well for the rest of the weekend.

Nicholas Latifi

It was a different kind of day, and a different kind of track to what we are used to. It was pretty hectic out there, 20 cars sharing this short track made it difficult to focus on your own programme, get clean laps in and try to not disturb anyone else. We have some work to do on both low and high fuel, but we are thereabouts with our competitors Haas and Alfa, which is always the target. The new section is very bumpy, it will create something different for sure which I think is what F1 wanted to achieve. I hope it makes it exciting and brings opportunities that we are all hoping for. It has definitely created a challenge to set up the car, so we will try and nail that down tomorrow.

Jack Aitken

Today was pretty cool and I got lots of laps under my belt. We spent the first few laps in FP1 refreshing what I did during FP1 in Austria, so it was all pretty familiar, and I got up to speed quickly. There is some work to be done on our one lap pace, but the race form was encouraging so I am pretty happy. We built some solid foundations today, so I am looking forward to getting into qualifying. It will be tough tomorrow in qualifying; keeping your wits about you and being aware and hopefully we can be on the right side of things.

Racing Point

Sergio Perez

“I’m optimistic about our chances this weekend after a positive day on track. I think we can aim for a strong result, but today has really shown just how close qualifying is going to be. The margins will be tight and that means putting everything together over a single lap is going to be crucial. It was a challenge taking on the new layout today: the middle sector is particularly tricky because the kerbs are quite aggressive. It’s tempting to use them but it’s so easy to make a mistake if you misjudge it. I think we’ll see plenty of lap times deleted and see some errors over the weekend, so it’s important to minimise the chances of making a mistake. The whole lap is a challenge too, even though there’s not many corners overall – so getting the middle sector right is very important.”

Lance Stroll

“It was really close out there today with small gaps between all the cars. I think we learned a lot about how the weekend will develop and how the race will play out. Turn 8 is going to be a big factor tomorrow and we’ll probably see a lot of lap times deleted, so the key will be staying close to the limit. We managed the challenge of having a lot of traffic on such a short lap well today, but I expect that’s going to be even more tricky in qualifying when everyone is searching for free air. Qualifying will be very important tomorrow because it was more difficult to overtake than we expected. It could end up being a track position race. All things considered, it was a good day’s work and I’m confident in the car for Saturday and Sunday.”


Scuderia Ferrari had a more difficult time of it than expected during Friday free practice for the Sakhir Grand Prix on the Outer Track of the Bahrain International Circuit. In the first session of the penultimate race of the year, Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc were eighth and tenth respectively. But in the second one, the Monegasque hardly ran, as a driveshaft failed, while the German worked in race configuration doing long runs, but his attempts at the all important qualifying simulation did not go well as he was unable to set a time on the Softs.

FP1. The expectation was for the lowest lap times in the history of Formula 1 and that was exactly the case. As usual, the track improved rapidly as the cars gradually put more rubber down. The new middle sector of this 3.543 km track, almost two kilometres shorter than the usual version, proved to be quick but also rather bumpy which made life more difficult than expected for the drivers. Added to that was the traffic and the need to respect track limits, which saw many drivers having to abort quick laps or have their time cancelled. For this first 90 minutes, both Ferrari men used just the Soft tyre. The German did 40 laps, the best in 55.281, while the Monegasque did 35, the quickest being a 55.449.

FP2. As mentioned, the second session didn’t really happen for Charles. He completed his out lap and then as he set off for a timed run, a halfshaft problem in the second sector meant he had to come back to the garage and he never went out again. Sebastian struggled as he tried to find the limit of his SF1000, spinning twice while on his quali simulation run. The German then moved on to the usual long run on the Medium tyres, completing a total of 43 laps and his best time of the evening was a 55.839 set on that compound.

Programme. Tomorrow, the final hour of practice gets underway at 17 (15 CET) while grid positions will be decided starting from 20 (18 CET). The Sakhir Grand Prix starts on Sunday at 20.10 (18.10 CET).

Sebastian Vettel

“We have had a mixed day: the first session was ok, the second was horrible. We tried some setting changes on the car, but the result was a very aggressive car, which is not what we needed. I hope tomorrow we can close the gap and get back on the right track.
This track configuration is maybe a bit too short, almost over before it begins, but it’s ok. Turn 4 is more or less as it was last week, a bit faster because it opens up, then it is bumpy between turn 7 and 8 where the kerbs are very aggressive. This part is quite tricky but it’s not bad. With 20 cars on track, Q1 will be very tight especially because of the traffic: we have to go very slowly on the cool-down laps to bring the tyre temperatures down and this complicates things. I hope all the drivers will manage to get a clean lap without being impeded, or having too much trouble with traffic. It will be very tight and a few hundredths will make the difference.”

Charles Leclerc

“It was better than expected today. Things were going well until the technical problem at the very beginning of FP2, so hopefully it will be a good day tomorrow. I enjoyed the track with very few corners as it reminds me of the karting days. It’s a nice track and it should be a fun race. With these long straights, whoever is behind will have a big advantage.
Finding a gap tomorrow in qualifying will be my main concern. Especially in Q1 and Q2, which could be messy, I think. The car felt good at the beginning of FP2 so I feel confident we are in a good place, but we still need to see the lap times to confirm this.”


Lando Norris

“Today wasn’t a good day for us. We’re quite off the pace so we’ve got quite a bit of work to do going into tomorrow. From my side, it was quite a messy day with one mistake that I made which meant a floor change, and then an issue with the engine that put us out for the rest of the session. So, not the best of days – looking like one of our tougher days in terms of pace. When we needed the laps, we didn’t get them, so we’re in quite a tricky position going into tomorrow, but we’ll work hard overnight and see if we can make some improvements to the car.”

Carlos Sainz

“To be honest I’m a bit surprised with the pace today. It’s only been five days, but the pecking order has changed and we’re not looking as strong as last weekend. Also, it hasn’t been the cleanest of Fridays with both of our cars having some sort of issue. Having said that, it’s only Friday and we still have the night to figure out how we can come back stronger and recover a bit the performance that it seems we’ve lost. We’re on it.”

Andrea Stella - Racing Director

“Same venue, completely different challenge! Compared to the layout we raced on last Sunday, we have a very bumpy new section of track, and so today needed to adapt the set-up of the car to accommodate that. We also needed to reassess the behaviour of the tyres and find the right level of downforce – it was interesting seeing a quite a lot of variation across the field today in that regard. Our day was also affected by a few issues which cost us track time, and this is not ideal.

“It looks like we have a lot of work to do overnight if we are to qualify well tomorrow and give ourselves the best chance of scoring good points on Sunday. That certainly won’t be easy because, as usual this season, the midfield looks very tight, but we’ll certainly try as hard as we can.”

Mercedes F1

The Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team sets the fastest laps on Friday in Bahrain

 George topped the time sheet in FP1 with Valtteri in P4
 In FP2, George again set the fastest time of the session with Valtteri in P11, after his fastest lap time was deleted for exceeding track limits
 The team focused on adapting to the new track layout and building an understanding of the set-up and tyre preparation needed for the track

George Russell

It was a good first day in the W11 but there’s definitely work to be done. The new track layout is very different to the usual layout here and it’s not an easy track to say the least. It’s going to be very tight in qualifying and we can probably expect a dramatic race. It’s been good to be working with the team today and I’m learning a lot every single lap I’m in the car. I think my lap times are a bit deceiving at the moment and not the true representation of the pace. I struggled on the high fuel runs in FP2 and ultimately that’s going to be key on Sunday. The Red Bulls were quick on the long runs and Valtteri was quickest in FP2 but had his lap time deleted. It’s going to be close, so we’ll get our heads down tonight. There’s still a lot of work to do to get comfortable in the car and with the set-up. But it’s been an encouraging first day and I’m excited to be back in the W11 tomorrow.

Valtteri Bottas

It was a tricky day for me. I went over the kerbs in Turn 8 in my first run in FP1 and broke quite a large chunk off the floor, so the rest of the session was a bit of a waste afterwards. FP2 felt ok, but obviously I didn’t really get any laps in on the Soft tyre, as my only half decent lap was deleted because of track limits. So, not the best day, but the long runs were pretty consistent. Red Bull look really competitive on those long runs, particularly on the Medium tyre, and George was putting in good laps as well. There’s quite a bit of work to do on my side to get everything together for qualifying. The new section of track is really technical and bumpy, so it’s quite challenging and really easy to lose a tenth. On such a short track, in qualifying that could make all the difference. It’s going to be intense with so many cars on track, too, so it’s going to be really important to get clean laps in and prioritise the gaps.

Andrew Shovlin

It’s been an interesting day with such a short lap and so few corners. Removing the mid-speed and high-speed corners does change the nature of the track somewhat and we’ve been tuning the set-up through the day to get the car working well in the slower corners, which weren’t our strength last week. George has settled in well and both he and Valtteri look to have the pace to be in the fight for pole position. Our long runs weren’t quite there today; the Red Bull looks to be stronger in that regard. So, we’ll focus some effort tonight towards understanding the limitations on race fuel, but there are a few things to work on so we’re optimistic we can make some progress.


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