Formula E not end of de Vries’ F1 hopes - Wolff

"Why would it? Nyck is fast, young and intelligent"


12 September 2019 - 11:56
Formula E not end of de Vries' (…)

Formula 2 title favourite Nyck de Vries has put his F1 hopes on hold for now.

Mercedes has announced that the F2 points leader will join Stoffel Vandoorne in the German marque’s inaugural Formula E driver lineup.

"Of course every young driver wants to be in Formula 1," 24-year-old Dutchman de Vries, who until this year was a McLaren junior driver, said.

"But when you get an opportunity like this with Mercedes, you need to grab it," he added.

Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff insists that signing up de Vries for Formula E does not end the driver’s Formula 1 dream.

"Why would it? Nyck is fast, young and intelligent. He can still get to Formula 1," he told the Leeuwarder Courant newspaper.

"You never know what can happen in the future and what will come his way," said Wolff.

Wolff also played down Mercedes’ hopes of winning the increasingly popular all-electric series straight away.

"We look forward to competing with the other German brands, Porsche, BMW and Audi," he said.

"We ultimately want to fight for victories and the championship, but it’s not realistic for the first season."

Mercedes F1


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