Ferrari still supports Vettel - Fittipaldi

"I have to be a little careful what I say"


11 October 2019 - 07:03
Ferrari still supports Vettel - (…)

Ferrari still wants Sebastian Vettel to win races.

That is the view of former double world champion Emerson Fittpaldi, even though last time out at Sochi, Ferrari ordered Vettel aside for Charles Leclerc.

But Fittipaldi, 72, told Auto Bild: "Ferrari wants both of them to win.

"Of course they support him," the Brazilian added, referring to quadruple world champion Vettel. "They like him a lot."

He said the situation is being exacerbated by the Italian media.

"I have to be a little careful what I say," Fittipaldi smiled. "Let’s just say that they love their polemics."

He was also asked about his grandson, Pietro Fittipaldi, who is not just a DTM driver but also a test driver for the F1 team Haas.

"They like him a lot," Fittipaldi said of his 23-year-old grandson.

"For 2020, staying in DTM is a good option. He also has offers from Indycar. I would prefer that he stay in Europe.

"I hope he will be in Formula 1 in 2021," he added.



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