Force India can be like Red Bull - Mallya

But "there are no short-cuts in formula one"


30 January 2012 - 10:16
Force India can be like Red Bull - (…)

Force India’s new investor Subrata Roy wants the Silverstone based team to be like Red Bull.

That is the claim of fellow Indian billionaire Dr Vijay Mallya, who with title sponsor Sahara’s Roy co-owns the team.

Mallya bought the former Jordan team some years ago when it was known as Spyker and finishing grands prix in last place.

"The Indian people are proud that we have been able to create a team for the country to play an important role in formula one. Without our success we have attracted a larger group of supporters," he told Auto Motor und Sport.

"Now it’s getting difficult to meet the demands," Mallya told the German magazine, after Force India finished the 2011 season sixth behind Renault and the four top teams.

"The people of India expect us to beat Mercedes now," he admitted.

If Force India can do that, is the sort of success achieved by Red Bull - another non-carmaker team - a realistic target?

"Why not?" answered Mallya. "Subrata Roy’s vision is to be as good as Red Bull but he’s so excited that I have to stop him a bit.

"There are no short-cuts in formula one."


Formula 1 news

