Villeneuve no longer hunting F1 return seat

"For quite some time I’ve been involved only with NASCAR"


26 November 2011 - 19:45
Villeneuve no longer hunting F1 (…)

Jacques Villeneuve on Saturday clarified he is no longer actively looking for a formula one race return.

The last time the 1997 world champion visited grands prix, he was searching hard for a team to accomodate his comeback.

But he insisted to German television RTL in the Interlagos paddock on Saturday that he is in Brazil simply "to catch up with his old contacts".

"For quite some time I’ve been involved only with NASCAR," said the 40-year-old French Canadian.

Villeneuve admitted, however, that he would not turn down an opportunity to race F1 cars once again, and for that reason empathised with his old title nemesis Michael Schumacher, who next year will tackle the third season of a comeback at the age of 43.

"It’s nice because it shows that he still has the passion," said the former Williams and BAR driver. "He is still working hard and still very fast.

"So if you are still hungry enough, you can achieve a lot," added Villeneuve, speaking just before Sebastian Vettel captured a record 15th pole of the 2011 season.

Villeneuve insisted: "The most important thing here is the race because there is usually plenty of action.

"Also the weather is a bit unpredictable so you can never be sure who is really going to win."


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