Stefan GP poised to take USF1’s team entry

FIA on the verge of taking back USF1’s official 2010 entry


26 February 2010 - 09:39
Stefan GP poised to take USF1's (…)

According to the latest rumours in the unfolding commotion surrounding F1’s new and hopeful teams, the FIA is on the verge of taking back USF1’s official 2010 entry.

That would free up the thirteenth team slot for the new Serbian outfit Stefan GP, but it might not be as simple as that.

USF1, Campos and Virgin - and later Lotus - were granted their entries after a process of application and due diligence performed by F1’s governing body.

With just two weeks until Friday practice begins in Bahrain, granting Stefan an entry for 2010 would have to be fast-tracked, which would not impress some of the teams initially turned down by the FIA.

But multiple sources are reporting that the newly Jean Todt-led FIA is indeed poised to give USF1’s entry to the outfit led by the enthusiastic Zoran Stefanovic.

The Serbian reportedly has the help of his government and also Bernie Ecclestone, but another suggestion is that the failed USF1 will be urged to amalgamate with Stefan, clearing the path for a full 26-car grid in that way.

Jacques Villeneuve has cooled Stefanovic’s claims that the 1997 world champion is mere days from signing to become Kazuki Nakajima’s teammate.

"Stefan GP does not have an entry," the French Canadian told France’s Auto Hebdo, "but everything seems serious about the team."

"The important thing is for them to get the green light from the FIA for the first race of the season," Villeneuve added.

Mark Webber said the drama unfolding behind the scenes in F1 is not impressive. "I find the situation totally crazy, but that’s what happened," the Red Bull driver commented.


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