Red Bull says ’no’ to Vettel motorcycle swap

"Not under any circumstances"


30 November 2011 - 09:58
Red Bull says 'no' to (…)

Red Bull has banned Sebastian Vettel from taking part in a demonstration ’swap’ with fellow German and new Moto2 champion Stefan Bradl.

"I would gladly try a formula one single seater," 22-year-old rider Bradl is quoted by La Gazzetta dello Sport, "and Sebastian could get on my bike.

"Yes, the change would be harder for him than for me."

But Red Bull’s Dr Helmut Marko answered with a clear "no".

"Not under any circumstances," said the Austrian. "The danger that Sebastian could get hurt on a bike is too great."

Germany’s Bild newspaper reported that, behind the scenes, Vettel was keen.

But he said on the record: "If you have a little slide, the car runs off. On a bike, you fall right off."


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