Promoter admits Russia set for night race

"We like it"


2 June 2014 - 11:20
Promoter admits Russia set for night (…)

Sochi could be the next night race on the F1 calendar.

Despite the unfolding Crimean crisis, tickets for the inaugural Russian grand prix in October have are now on sale.

And for the future, promoter Sergey Vorobyov said the plan is to hold the race under floodlights.

"On the night race, yes," he told Ria Novosti news agency, "(Bernie) Ecclestone was in Sochi to make sure that the night-time is very beautiful.

"The idea is technically difficult for the first year (2014), which will definitely be a day race," said Vorobyov.

"A night race has high costs that must first be calculated. But we like it (the night race concept), and I think that sooner or later it will come," he added.


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