FIA have stopped Red Bull’s illegal car - Hamilton

"Red Bull had to rebuild their car and take a step back"


30 September 2010 - 11:02
FIA have stopped Red Bull's (…)

Red Bull’s dominance has been curbed because it is no longer fielding an illegal car, according to Lewis Hamilton.

The 2008 world champion said that after the team’s RB6 utterly dominated in Hungary in August, the tighter FIA flexibility tests have obviously affected the pace of the Adrian Newey-penned car.

"Good question," McLaren driver Hamilton told Bild newspaper on a visit to Berlin this week.

"In Hungary they were 2 seconds per lap faster than the rest of us. It is simply impossible to have a lead like that."

When asked specifically if he thinks Red Bull were cheating earlier in 2010, Hamilton answered: "We have always kept to the rules.

"Our people wondered if their car was legal and we asked the FIA. After that Red Bull had to rebuild their car and take a step back.

"It was a good decision by the FIA," said the Briton.

He was also asked about the apparent psychological warfare being deployed by his championship rivals at present, particularly by his former McLaren teammate Fernando Alonso.

"It’s normal that, at the end of a season, the mind games begin. I’m strong enough and ready for it. I’m not worried, but I think it’s best if you just do your talking on the track," said Hamilton.

And despite almost writing off his championship chances after Singapore, Hamilton now insists he is ready for the challenge of the final four races of 2010.

"I was back at home in Zurich for one day; I woke up in the morning and went for a run in the forest with rap music on my headphones. So I’ll be back," he insisted.


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