Buemi’s bad lunch, and thirsty F1 engines

"Are we lighter than Ferrari? No idea"


25 March 2010 - 16:24
Buemi's bad lunch, and thirsty (…)

Toro Rosso driver Sebastien Buemi’s preparation for the Australian grand prix was less than ideal. The Swiss youngster travelled to Milton Keynes to use the Red Bull simulator last week, but after eating a hamburger instead spent the afternoon vomiting.

Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel on Thursday played down paddock rumours about the fuel efficiency of their respective title-contending engines.

With some believing Red Bull driver Vettel’s Renault needs to consume 6-10kg less fuel per race than Alonso’s Ferrari, the latter Spaniard dismissed it as a mere "rumour". When also asked about the rumour by reporters, German Vettel answered: "Are we lighter than Ferrari? No idea."


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