Webber apologises after insulting journalist

"Probably I’ll hang myself"


23 September 2011 - 09:20
Webber apologises after insulting (…)

Mark Webber let his frustration show when a French journalist asked him a tough question in Singapore.

According to specialist publications Auto Motor und Sport, Bild-Zeitung (Germany) and Blick (Switzerland), the Red Bull driver was asked on Thursday how he is dealing with his teammate Sebastian Vettel’s utter dominance in 2011.

"Probably I’ll hang myself," the Australian snarled before muttering to the questioner: "F*cking wanker."

All the reports said Webber, 35, later apologised in person to the journalist.

Perhaps he was simply tired, after admitting to his Twitter followers that he had been kept awake the night before.

"My hotel is close to the track which will be great for the rest of the week," said Webber. "Not right now though, (they’re) still building it! Forklifts, beep beep beep, 4am".

As for the 2011 world championship, Webber joined his peers in acknowledging that Vettel is now the certain winner.

"The races have been even better than last year, but the championship itself was boring unfortunately," he said.

"If you look back you wouldn’t think one driver would have pulled away, but that’s what Seb did."


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