Sutil files appeal against assault conviction

The appeal hearing will also take place in a Munich court


8 February 2012 - 15:11
Sutil files appeal against assault (…)

Adrian Sutil has decided to appeal his conviction of grievous bodily harm.

Last week, the former Force India driver was handed an 18-month suspended sentence and fined EUR 200,000 for injuring Lotus team executive Eric Lux with a broken glass in a Shanghai nightclub last April.

German news agencies DPA and SID on Wednesday quoted his manager Manfred Zimmermann as confirming the filing of an appeal.

A court spokeswoman confirmed the news to the major daily newspaper Bild Zeitung.

Sutil decided to appeal "because we are convinced the judgement is not appropriate," Zimmermann said.

The court spokeswoman revealed that the public prosecutor, having originally asked for a 21-month sentence and EUR 300,000 fine, is also appealing the judge’s sentence.

The appeal hearing will also take place in a Munich court.


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