Staying at Sauber an option after buyout - Nasr

"A better perspective both in the short and the long term"


22 July 2016 - 13:42
Staying at Sauber an option after (…)

Felipe Nasr is not ruling out staying at Sauber in the wake of the Swiss team’s buyout by an investment group.

Marcus Ericsson in Hungary joined boss Monisha Kaltenborn in not commenting on speculation that the buyers are linked to the Swedish driver’s sponsors.

Nasr, meanwhile, brings backing from the Banco do Brasil, who before the buyout news were said to be seriously considering leaving Sauber for 2017.

Now, he has told Brazil’s UOL Esporte that staying is an option.

"I think that (staying) is still an option," said Nasr in Hungary. "If it is the best, I don’t know.

"I think if it brings better prospects for developing and better people for important technical aspects then I would not rule out the option to continue here.

"It’s very good news, I’m happy for the team," he added. "It brings a better perspective both in the short and the long term. We can begin to work better in areas where we could not before because of our financial situation.

"In the short term, we had update packages planned from the beginning of the year that we can now press the green button on and take them to the track," said Nasr.


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