Renault getting close to 2017 driver call

"It is too early to make any decision right here and now"


17 August 2016 - 09:59
Renault getting close to 2017 driver (…)

Renault is now mere weeks from closing on its driver lineup for the 2017 season.

In recent months, speculation has been building that Kevin Magnussen and Jolyon Palmer’s futures are not secure, with the duo each on only one-year deals.

Reportedly in the running to potentially replace them are French teen Esteban Ocon, who will be evaluated by Renault during his forthcoming stint at Manor, as well as Sergio Perez, Valtteri Bottas, Felipe Massa and others.

However, team boss Frederic Vasseur insists that Magnussen and Palmer cannot be written off yet, particularly as the French marque has struggled for performance after buying Lotus and rebranding it the Renault works team.

"It’s not easy for them either," he told F1’s official website.

"They have been used to winning in the past — and now they are cut off from that.

"I see both of them improving," Vasseur added. "Keep in mind that Jo (Palmer) is a rookie and Kevin did only one season before — and that was two years ago.

"Both have a very optimistic approach. They are a good support for the team."

Vasseur has said that Renault needs drivers who can inspire from the cockpit, and is looking to build the next star rather than sign an existing champion.

"If you look at the success stories of the past, success was always built around a driver: Schumacher and Ferrari, Vettel and Red Bull, Lewis and Mercedes, and also Alonso and Renault in the past — so the driver is important," he said.

"It is too early to make any decision right here and now. We will probably do it at the beginning of September," Vasseur added.


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