Red Bull fools to not use team orders - steward Pirro

"We will monitor it and try to assess the situation"


13 November 2010 - 09:22
Red Bull fools to not use team (…)

Should ’team orders’ be deployed in Sunday’s 2010 championship finale, one of the stewards may not be voting to penalise the technically illegal practice.

When asked about whether Sebastian Vettel will be asked to move aside to help his Red Bull teammate Mark Webber win the drivers’ title, driver representative Emanuele Pirro said: "They would be fools if they did not.

"We will monitor it and try to assess the situation," the Roman, earlier accused of being biased in favour of Ferrari, is quoted by La Stampa newspaper.

The key, Pirro said, is the execution of a team strategy.

"There are many ways for a driver to help the other, but it’s perhaps naive to be using coded messages on the radio," he explained.

Within the paddock, there are few observers who believe a team with drivers in contention for the title should not be allowed to collaborate to prevent a rival team from winning the championship.

So former Ferrari driver Jean Alesi thinks Red Bull have been wrong to suggest that the drivers will be left entirely to their own devices.

"They are trapped because of the way they have discussed it," he told The National. "They have tried to say they are clean and they don’t do it, but that is misinformation. It is not true.

"They will definitely use it," insisted the Frenchman.

Ferrari’s team boss Stefano Domenicali also will not be complaining if Red Bull deploy a driver strategy on Sunday, denouncing the team orders saga as "nonsense".

"There are team orders in formula one because it is a team sport," he is quoted by Sport Bild.

"The rule cannot be controlled so it should be abolished. And if it is believed that a team has harmed the sport, then section 151 of the Sporting Code still applies."

Even Red Bull’s Helmut Marko thinks the prohibition of team orders in F1 is wrong.

"The paragraph should be reconsidered," the Austrian told "Either it is valid and real penalties apply, or we do away with it entirely, which is probably more realistic."


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