Qualifying - Singapore GP report: Toro Rosso Renault

Team quotes

By Franck Drui

20 September 2014 - 17:25
Qualifying - Singapore GP report: (…)

Daniil Kvyat

“I think we definitely got the maximum out of the car today, so well done to the team. Q3 was a bit scrappy and throughout the session the car was difficult to drive. But fortunately we managed to pull it all together and complete a good lap in Q2 and move on to Q3. P10 was the best possible result today. We still have some homework to do tonight to make sure the car feels more consistent tomorrow, but for today we did what we could.”

Jean-Eric Vergne

"I had some problems with the front hand of the car today. I just could not make it work and bring it up to the right temperature, which caused me some front locking. Then I made a mistake and I lost more than three tenths. Q3 was not far so it’s a real shame. But it’s tomorrow that counts and we have got a competitive car here to gain some positions back and score some points.”

James Key (Technical Director)

"We had a bit of work to do last night. I think we made some good progress during FP3 with Jev’s car. Daniil wasn’t completely happy with his car so we made some changes for Qualifying. Our target was to get both cars into Q3. It’s never easy here, it’s a complicated track, where you have to be one hundred per cent positioned the whole time. Unfortunately Jev just missed his second sector of his Q2 and got very close to Q3. I think it’s a shame as he deserved it. Daniil got through in his first lap and then in Q3, again in the middle sector, it was a bit tricky for him. Overall it’s a bit disappointing that we didn’t manage to bring both cars into Q3 but the race is tomorrow and I’m convinced that we can still fight for some points.”

Ricardo Penteado (Renault Sport F1 track support leader)

"Power Unit wise everything worked fine, with fuel and energy management pretty good. It is a shame that JEV could not make Q3 as we had the pace for it, but bravo to Daniil to get into the top ten. We have a good race pace so we’re looking forward to the race tomorrow now.”


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