Q&A with Adrian Sutil after Singapore

"I think it was a pretty good race"

By Franck Drui

2 October 2010 - 10:59
Q&A with Adrian Sutil after (…)

Adrian Sutil started only 15th in Singapore, but a good strategy from the team – which saw him charge into the pits for a tyre change when the safety car came out on the second lap – helped him to jump up the order. He crossed the line in eighth place, but lost a spot as a result of a post-race penalty. We asked Adrian about an eventful weekend in Singapore and the next race at Suzuka, a race he always enjoys.

How did things go from the start for you?

It was quite hard to start in P15 and move yourself up. The first lap was OK - I lost one place in the first corner, then I got it back in the second and third corner. Our strategy with the soft tyre was quite good. We were actually waiting for an early safety car, and when it came on the second lap, we went in.

How did that work out?

The stop was not perfect, I lost a little bit there. I would have gone out in front of Nico Hulkenberg, but anyway I passed him when he was trying to overtake Petrov, and I passed them both. Then it was just a question of holding them up as long as possible. I had a little bit of a problem with the tyres, but still I survived and didn’t do any mistakes and kept everybody behind, so it was great to finish eighth on the road. I think it was a pretty good race.

Towards the end you were passed by Robert Kubica, who had brand new tyres. What was that battle like?

He was in a different category. He was four seconds a lap faster or something! I had no chance, so I had to take care of all the others behind me. I couldn’t risk going off the circuit, so I just couldn’t hold him. Once he passed me I got back in my rhythm and tried to control it.

After the finish you got a 20 second penalty for going off track hen you passed Nick Heidfeld on the first lap. Can you explain what happened?

There were three cars trying to do Turn Seven, and I was the outside car. I just ran out of space – nobody pushed me wide, but I had to take the emergency exit outside! For me it was not a benefit, when you go outside it’s tricky, it’s slippery and you lose two seconds. Nick was in front, but he was in the middle of the kerb. I put the foot on the gas and I was of course better in acceleration. I suppose I could have waited for him until he got off the kerb, but he made a mistake. I was just avoiding an incident.

How disappointing is to get a penalty after working so hard during the race?

It’s a shame. It was one of these race incidents but it’s frustrating to get a 20 second penalty after the race.

You always go well at Suzuka. Are you pleased to be heading there next?

It’s one of my favourite circuits, so I always look forward to going there. It’s a real driver’s track. Last year I was fourth on the grid, which was really good, and then we had all the penalties for the yellow flag incident, and the race didn’t turn out really well. But I enjoy the circuit, and it should be possible to have a decent result there.


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