Pirelli wish to stay as F1 tyre supplier beyond 2013

Pirelli see Formula 1 as a medium-to-long-term project


21 June 2012 - 06:40
Pirelli wish to stay as F1 tyre (…)

Formula 1’s current tyre supplier Pirelli have disclosed their aim to continue supplying the sport with tyres beyond 2013, when their current three-year contract expires. After undeniably contributing to some highly unpredictable and competitive racing over the last two years, Pirelli have certainly made a name for themselves in F1.

Pirelli’s motorsport director Paul Hembery has confirmed that the Italian company see Formula 1 as a ‘medium-to-long-term’ project, and look eager to continue supplying their highly unpredictable and somewhat controversial tyres to the teams up and down the grid. Pirelli took over as the sole tyre supplier to Formula 1 in 2011, after long-time Japanese supplier Bridgestone decided not to renew their contract towards the end of 2009.

"Our current contract runs until the end of 2013, but we always intended to be in F1 for the medium-to-long term," explained Paul Hembery in an interview with AutoSport. "The deadline for the 2014 decision is next June. If the sport wants us to stay and we can convince the board to continue, in light of economic conditions, then our intention is to go forward."

Throughout the majority of the 2012 season, Pirelli’s tyres have been at the centre of attention. Where some agree that they have assisted in making this season one of the most entertaining in years, some believe that they are becoming too much of a dominant factor over the course of a weekend. However, Paul Hembery has stressed how the drivers must always remain the centre of attention.

"We were asked to provide fun and entertainment with our F1 tyres, although it was not our intention to become the discussion point for the weekend," continued Paul Hembery to AutoSport. "We still want the drivers to be the stars of the show. Attracting new people to follow our sport isn’t easy, so I’d like us to build-up our drivers, and grow their profile as major international sporting stars, and have more visible personalities."

Either way, it looks as though the unpredictability created by Pirelli’s tyres is set to continue beyond 2013.

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