Pedro de la Rosa proud of HRT’s 2012 achievements

HRT have struggled throughout the majority of the 2012 season


21 November 2012 - 08:50
Pedro de la Rosa proud of HRT's (…)

Pedro de la Rosa has explained how he is very proud of HRT’s achievements so far this season, after the Spaniard outfit suffered a tough start to the season. The team initially failed to partake in pre-season testing, and then failed to qualify for the opening race of the season at the Australian Grand Prix.

However, since the team’s rocky start to the season, they have undeniably steadily improved at each race weekend, at one stage even battling with Marussia on a weekly bassis. However, finance has always been the achilles-heel of the outfit, and they have recently been put up for sale by current owners Thesan Capital. Despite these change of events, the team have remain focused on their efforts out on track.

Last time out at the United States Grand Prix around the Circuit of the Americas, the team initially struggled to qualify for the race. However, after successfully qualifying within the 107% rule, the team managed to bring both Pedro de la Rosa and Narain Karthikeyan to the finish of the race. This was unquestionably an enormous achievement for the team, after rumors throughout the media suggested the team could be running low on spare parts.

"It is incredible how time flies and for us to get to Brazil for the last race of the season, after everything we’ve achieved, makes me very proud.” Explained Pedro de la Rosa, “The race in Brazil is always a very special Grand Prix, not only because of the track’s layout but also for the Formula 1 history and the fans. It is a short but challenging track where it is possible to overtake. But the weather and the possible showers can also play an important role in the race’s outcome. If that would be the case, we will be ready to take our chances. It is the last race of the season and we will do our best to achieve a good result.”

Rumors circulating throughout the paddock indicate the team is poised to be purchased by Chinese buyers, a move which would undoubtedly benefit the team’s development driver Ma Qing Hua. Pedro de la Rosa has been confirmed with the outfit for next season, however the second seat alongside the Spaniard remains vacant as the 2012 season draws to a conclusion.

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