Magnussen to gain 3 kilos for 2017 - trainer

"I have to put some weight on, but not much"


12 December 2016 - 12:29
Magnussen to gain 3 kilos for 2017 - (…)

Kevin Magnussen has rejected the advice of Le Mans legend and Danish countryman Tom Kristensen.

Some days ago, Kristensen said that to compete with new Haas teammate Romain Grosjean next year, Magnussen should consider losing some weight.

However, reports indicate that Magnussen is already just 68kg, which is slightly less than the taller Grosjean.

Magnussen told the Danish broadcaster TV2: "I have talked to him (Kristensen) about it, and I do not agree.

"We will need some more weight to run these new cars at the limit. At least I hope so, because we are told that they will be up to six seconds faster than the old cars, and I think that’s going to make them really hard to drive.

"So I have to put some weight on, but not much. I’m quite light already, so I think I’m doing the right thing," he added.

Magnussen’s trainer, Thomas Jorgensen, confirmed the plan.

"Kevin is lighter than Grosjean, and Kevin will probably need three kilos to be where he needs to be physically to take the forces of these wider tyres and more downforce," he said.

"So I would say the opposite of Tom. Kevin needs to put on a little, but of course it’s muscle mass, not fat. We’ll achieve it by the end of February," he added.


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