’Long term’ Mercedes talks taking place - Rosberg

"We have talked about a long-term commitment"


25 October 2011 - 09:57
'Long term' Mercedes talks (…)

Nico Rosberg has hinted strongly that he intends to stay at Mercedes GP beyond the expiry of his current contract.

The German’s current deal reportedly runs to the end of next season, but boss Norbert Haug has revealed he intends to keep the current team together beyond 2012.

Asked if the talks are already taking place, Rosberg told Germany’s T-Online: "Yes, they are.

"We have talked about a long-term commitment as I feel very comfortable in the team. It is a great project. I don’t want to go into more detail than that."

When asked if he is also "actively" looking for possible opportunities with other teams, Rosberg insisted: "Actively, no."

Rosberg was also asked about his countryman and new back to back world champion Sebastian Vettel’s 2011 season, with the interviewer describing it as "flawless".

"Flawless? I’ve had a season like that, too," said the German. "I have made very, very few mistakes.

"The same as last year. I have driven very consistently but it’s not so obvious because we are driving further behind."

He is also expecting Red Bull to be ahead of the pack in 2012.

"They have a head-start, obviously," said Rosberg. "We need to catch up and that will take some time."

Finally, he denied that the constant questions about his teammate Michael Schumacher are "annoying".

"That’s not the right word. It’s just that I have to talk about it all the time. They (the questions) always used to be about my father, now they’re about Michael Schumacher.

"I’m used to it now," smiled Rosberg.


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