Japan 2015 - GP Preview - Red Bull Renault

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By Franck Drui

21 September 2015 - 17:24
Japan 2015 - GP Preview - Red Bull (…)

Daniel Ricciardo

This is the nearest F1 has been to your hometown since March – will you get back to Perth at all?

Sadly not this trip. Last year I did because there was a week between Singapore and Japan but this year, because they’re back to back, I won’t be able to. But plenty of Aussies make the trip up to Singapore and I’ll have a few friends from home coming to the race – which is always fun.

Daniel, how do you summarise Suzuka’s figure-eight circuit?

It’s fast, it’s flowing, and it’s got everything. High-speed, lowspeed, inclines, drops. Wonderful circuit.

What’s the key to getting the lap right?

I think probably the first sector. If you can get a good balance on the car and link up all the left-right, left-right corners, which normally puts you in a good position for the rest of the lap. So, if you want to prioritise the car setup, it’s in that sector.

In the last couple of years you’ve made an effort to see more of Japan than just the paddock – what’s your impression?

Oh I love going to Japan, and I’m absolutely fascinated by Tokyo. I turn into a complete tourist, gawping at the place, the people, the food – it’s just so incredibly cool. Personally, I really like hanging out in the tiny bars: crazy little places maybe only 5 square meters. It’s a really good experience. I recommend it.

Daniil Kvyat

Drivers often mention Suzuka in the same breath as Spa in terms of the challenge it presents and the enjoyment the circuit offers. Is that the case for you?

Definitely. It’s a very special track. It’s got great history, a good feeling and also a lot of proper balls-out corners, which I like. It’s a really cool circuit. Also, it’s where I was announced as a Red Bull driver last year so that’s a good memory.
Of course last year’s race was very, very difficult because of Jules Bianchi’s accident and we will all naturally be thinking of him when we are driving there this year.

What’s the best part of the circuit?

There are plenty of places that are really fast: the double left of Spoon; 130R can be pretty challenging in the wet. The ‘Esses’ are very tricky; if you get any bit of it wrong it compromises your whole lap. You have to be brilliantly precise. To be honest I find the whole lap really interesting though; I like it a lot. I love high-speed corners and Suzuka has a lot of those, so it’s very easy to enjoy. If you get the flow and the lines right it’s a great feeling.

It’s also got a very particular atmosphere, with some of the most passionate fans we encounter all season. Last year was your first experience of that, how did you find it?

Japanese fans are very warm and welcoming and the atmosphere there is great. You always get given some odd gifts. Last year I got given a lot of fans – not people, things to, you know, cool you down! You also get a ton of stuff to sign. I really appreciate that the fans make an effort. They are passionate about Formula One and they really show it.


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