Injured Kubica pushing for Liuzzi as understudy - rumour

Heidfeld not the ideal candidate?


16 February 2011 - 08:35
Injured Kubica pushing for Liuzzi as (…)

Rumours are circulating about the delay in Renault’s confirmation of its driver lineup for 2011.

The Lotus-sponsored team was reportedly so happy with Nick Heidfeld’s performance at Jerez last week that an announcement about his selection as the substitute for injured Robert Kubica was scheduled for Monday.

But as that deadline came and went, rumours emerged that Kubica - who was German Heidfeld’s teammate at BMW for almost four years - is pushing for another candidate from his Italian hospital bed.

One of the Pole’s first visitors in hospital following his horror rally crash was friend Vitantonio Liuzzi, who is currently out of work after being ousted by Force India.

It is rumoured that the Italian is Kubica’s preferred understudy.

World champion Sebastian Vettel, however, thinks 33-year-old Heidfeld is the ideal candidate.

"In Jerez I think he worked well with that team and he’s one of the few honest guys in F1. He deserves this chance," the German told Italy’s La Gazzetta dello Sport.

Meanwhile, Mark Webber visited Kubica in hospital on Tuesday.

"We had a great chat about loads of stuff," the Australian confirmed via Twitter.


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