Haas has ’control’ of driver decision - Steiner

"We are waiting a few more races"


19 July 2017 - 13:36
Haas has 'control' of (…)

Haas boss Gunther Steiner said he remains in control of the American team’s driver decision for 2018.

Currently, Romain Grosjean and Kevin Magnussen drive for the Ferrari-linked team.

But the influence of Ferrari may be growing, with the Italian team’s reserve driver Antonio Giovinazzi now Haas’ regular Friday practice driver, and Charles Leclerc also linked with a potential Haas role for the future.

When asked if Ferrari will influence Haas’ 2018 driver choice, boss Steiner said: "We are waiting a few more races, but we have control of our drivers (decision)."

Steiner said he is happy with Haas’ current lineup, with Frenchman Grosjean having a contract ’option’ for 2018 and Dane Magnussen with a firm deal for next year.

"Without our current drivers, we could not have done what we have done this year," Steiner told Ekstra Bladet newspaper.

"Romain is sometimes criticised for how he gives his feedback to the team, but we are ok with it because it helps us grow as a team. As long as it does not become personal.

"On top of that, we now have Kevin, and so far he has taken a good step forward. The team is more mature, and the drivers had much to do with that," he added.


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