Fernando Alonso meets the fans in the chat room

"Victory is always our main target"

By Franck Drui

16 September 2011 - 20:35
Fernando Alonso meets the fans in (…)

Over 1500 people logged on last night on ferrari.com for a video chat with Fernando Alonso, who replied to a host of questions put to him by fans, who were keen to congratulate him on his Monza podium, as well as all sorts of other topics regarding his job and his private life.

On the subject of the Italian GP, Fernando explained to Ciccio he was not surprised at being overtaken by Vettel: “I knew I only found myself leading thanks to a good start, but that sooner or later Vettel would have got past. We were both very determined after the start, him in attacking me and me in defending my position. But looking at how it ended up, it was a spectacular move.” Chris Ferri was keen to quiz Fernando about his team-mate: “I am happy to have Felipe alongside me, because we share the same goals of trying to get Ferrari back on top, trying to do our best, not just for next year, but also for what is left of this season.” There were several questions about the coming round in Singapore and Fernando explained that the track, although very different to others, could well turn out to be suited to the characteristics of the 150° Italia, which means the Scuderia has its eye on securing another win as it prepares to tackle the final run of races outside Europe.

Naturally, those in the chat did not miss the opportunity to ask the Spaniard for his thoughts on next season, and the Asturian driver explained to Andres that the team has high hopes for 2012. “As I’ve said many times before, victory is always our main target, because we are Ferrari and it’s part of our DNA. 2011 definitely did not live up to expectations, although I’m pleased to be currently lying second in the championship. It shows what our aims are and how important our preparations are.” When talking about this year’s car, Alonso used the word “emotive” referring to the fact its name is linked to celebrations for 150 years of Italian unity. “This car will be well remembered for its national characteristics. It was well balanced but unfortunately it also proved to be a little bit difficult when it came to its set-up and performance. For 2012 I hope we have a car that is quick and a winner of course.”

Looking to the past, he picked out Senna as the driver he found most exciting to watch, because of his driving style and also for the passion he demonstrated on track, while of the current crop, Fernando reckons Michael Schumacher is still the greatest in terms of results achieved. He then recalled the lap he drove at the wheel of the 375 F1 at Silverstone, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of Ferrari’s first win courtesy of Gonzalez at the British GP. Fernando also said he would love to have raced with the legendary V12 Ferrari engine, with its characteristic noise, as well trying out the cars from the early Nineties, the ones he dreamed of driving when he was a kid.

There was also some sadness when the topic of Kubica’s accident was raised. “When I heard the news I was skiing with Felipe Massa and other friends from the team in Val Gardena and I immediately dashed to the hospital to be at his side. It’s the sort of news you hope you never have to hear.” Finally, Marta Romani asked Fernando what was his favourite Italian dish. “I like pizza because it is a well known dish and so it’s usually something you can find quite easily when you are out. When I am in Maranello however, I definitely cannot go without the famous special pasta at the Ristorante Montana.”


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