F1 figures support Ecclestone’s ’rain button’ idea

"I first proposed this to Bernie in 1994!"


3 March 2011 - 07:55
F1 figures support Ecclestone's (…)

Three F1 figures have come out in support of Bernie Ecclestone’s ’rain button’ proposal.

Other commentators have slammed the idea or accused the F1 chief executive of doing nothing more than drum up publicity.

The 80-year-old has proposed that, to spice up the action, tracks could be artificially watered during races "maybe with a two minute warning".

"The idea is not as daft as it sounds," Pirelli’s F1 boss Paul Hembery is quoted as saying by the Daily Telegraph.

"You could argue that running at night under lights is a gimmick. But Singapore has turned out to be one of the most spectacular races of the season.

"At the end of the day you want people to watch what you are offering," he added.

Former grand prix winner Johnny Herbert told The Sun: "People will say it is artificial but it would be the same for everybody. Many of the best races in the past few years have been when it has rained."

And John Watson, a grand prix winner in the 70s and 80s, added: "I first proposed this to Bernie in 1994! Fans want to see exciting races where the drivers are made to work."


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