Ecclestone targets Tuesday for Bahrain rescheduling

And could slot it right after Abu Dhabi


3 March 2011 - 15:20
Ecclestone targets Tuesday for (…)

Bernie Ecclestone has revealed he wants to decide on Tuesday how to reschedule the 2011 Bahrain grand prix.

The season opener in the island Kingdom was called off due to political unrest, but F1’s chief executive is now hinting strongly at a new November date for the Sakhir event.

Earlier, Ecclestone had hinted at a date during the August break, but that seems to have now been ruled out, perhaps due to the likely extreme desert heat.

"I’m hoping beyond hope things settle peacefully and we find a slot later in the year," he told the BBC. "If there is peace in Bahrain then we will be there, we will find a way."

Tuesday is the first chance for F1 to officially reschedule the grand prix, as the World Motor Sport Council meets in Paris.

There are still reports of protests in the Bahrain capital Manama, but Ecclestone said he thinks the political situation is now easing.

"Yes, you never see anything about Bahrain on TV now," he said.

It is believed he is targeting 20 November, a week after the Abu Dhabi grand prix, with Brazil to perhaps be pushed back to December.


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